Sunday 4 September 2011


1.       Open the image NDE-1.tif in Adobe Camera Raw and do the following :-
i.         Use the Straighten tool to straighten and crop the image.
ii.        Adjust the colour temperature.
iii.      Adjust the Basic controls to give good rendition of the view outside the lighthouse.
iv.      Use the HSL/Greyscale control panel to make the orange rocks and foliage slightly more saturated.
v.        Use the Local Adjustment Brush to lighten the floor and ceiling to reveal a little more detail in these areas.
vi.      Use a second soft Local Adjustment Brush to brighten the light lens and add a yellow colour to it.
2.       Open the image into Photoshop as a smart object.
3.       Use ‘File->Place…’ to add NDE-2.tif as a smart object into the image. (Press enter when the image appears.)
i.         Flip the new layer horizontally so the photographer is facing in the opposite direction.
ii.        Resize the new layer to make it a bit smaller.
iii.      Remove the background from the new layer by creating a layer mask. (There are a number of ways to do this).
iv.      Move the photographer into an appropriate position at the bottom of the frame, and resize if necessary.
4.       Double-click on the NDE-1 icon in the layers panel to open it in ACR.
i.         Make a change and resave to see the effect.
5.       Double-click on the NDE-2 icon in the layers panel to open it in Photoshop.
i.         Make a change and resave to see the effect.
6.       If you have worked Non-Destructively throughout this exercise you should be able undo or modify any of the editing changes you have performed.

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