Sunday 4 September 2011

Non-Destructive Image Editing 2

Part II – The Rendering Engine

What is a Rendering Engine ?
The color information in the raw file needs to be sent through a rendering engine to be
turned into standard RGB color. 

 What three things determine the final colour of an image pixel ?

 original image data
settings applied by user             
rendering engines math formulas

What are the three main components of a RAW file ?

jpeg preview
mosaiced RAW image
Can PIE software be used only on Raw files ?             

PIE software is now being used on source images that come in to the
program as fully processed RGB images, such as JPEGs or TIFFs.

What is a Live Rendering ?

       A temporary preview, before it becomes permeant 

Where can the Rendering Metadata be stored ?

XMP data
sidecar file

Give two examples of a Fixed Rendering

 Is a Preview a Live or a Fixed Rendering of the image ?

They are Fixed.

Where can Previews be stored ?

RAW files
 data base
 file browser

Why do File Browsers and Cataloguing software create Previews ?

To speed up the display


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